Civics Club Students Initiated to Establish Oikos Junior in Tbilisi

Civics Club leaders from Tbilisi partner schools of ACETT program initiated to meet with President of Oikos International Tbilisi office. At the meeting students made presentation of their activities and projects within the ACETT program. These motivated the President of the organization to establish in Tbilisi Oikos Junior.
In September 2012 Oikos Junior was establish and leaders of the civics clubs from Tbilisi public schools became members of the Supervisory Board. The work of the Oikos Junior will be orientd on implementation of Sustainable economic development and environmental protection projects. Members of the board plan to involve to the work of the organization civics club students from all over the Georgia. 
Civic club leaders agreed that their involvement and active participation in ACETT program increased their motivation and civil position to make their contribution for the development of civil society.
Tbilisi Youth House