Master class for civil education teachers: “Professional sharing”

Presenters: Associate Principal of Harwood High School, Vermont, USA, Jean Berthiomme, and Civics and Social Science Teacher of the same school, Catherine Cadwell.

Master class for civil education teachers: “Learning/teaching with Community Activity”

Presenters: Associate Principal of Harwood High School, Vermont, USA, Jean Berthiomme, and Civics and Social Science Teacher of the same school, Catherine Cadwell.

Civics Video Lesson: Classroom Projects

Civic education teacher of the 209th public school of Tbilisi, Mariam Kshesiashvili

Video lesson for teachers on the subject of bullying among peers.

Sofio Bachilava, civil education teacher at “Opiza” school.

Video lesson for teachers on the topic of discrimination – everyone is different, everyone is equal.

Maya Goguadze, civil education teacher of Tbilisi #173 school.