Students of Momavlis Taoba project partner schools in Samtskhe-Javakheti region joined a cleaning action initiated by Akhaltsikhe municipality. The cleaning action was dedicated to World Cleaning Day.

Students from Akhaltsikhe and Aspindza municipalities; public schools took part in the cleaning of Uraveli gorge. Action was supported by the representatives of Akhaltsike municipality, which organized transportation of the garbage.

“We are delighted that students joined this action, we plan to implement many initiatives with them in the future – said Deputy Governor of Akhaltsikhe municipality Guram Melikidze. “Word Cleaning Day is marked regularly in September and this year, more than 135 countries took part in it.

I am happy that we – representatives of future generation – participate in it-said Kristine Inasaridze, a civics club member of Muskhi public school. School-based civics clubs are supported in the framework of the USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International in Georgia.