Students of Kaspi gymnasium decided to arrange the space/room for children with special needs. School administration supported the students; initiative and provided the space.

Sponsored by mini-grant, furniture adapted for the students with special needs was purchased for this room. At the beginning of the project students conducted research in the community to know about the needs of the people with special needs.

They found out that in Kaspi there is no day center for children with special needs, where they could develop their skills and integrate with peers. During the project implementation students, supported by school administration and community members organized different activities for children with special needs.

They conducted trainings for the development of their skills in painting, sculpturing and in making different handicrafts. At the end of the project implementation students organized exhibition of the paintings of the children with special needs. The event was attended by the representatives of school and local administration, non-governmental organizations and community members. From the new academic year students of the Kaspi gymnasium will arrange the club for children with special needs where they would be able to develop skills and integrate with the peers. The room for children with special needs was arranged in the framework of the “Momavlis Taoba” program. The project “We all are one, initiated by the students of Kaspi Gymnasium was funded by the organization “McLain Association for Children. The USAID-funded “Momavlis Taoba” program is implemented by PH International.