Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in cooperation with TV Georgian Public Broadcaster launched a TV school project to support distance education and enable all of the students across the country, regardless of their access to the internet, to listen to lessons on TV until the schools were closed due to COVID-19 pandemic.USAID civic education “Momavlis Taoba” program provided technical expertise in the preparation of TV school project. Shorena Tabatadze, civic education teacher of Tbilisi public school №159 led the educational videos.Shorena hosted 18 educational videos on various civic education topics for high school students, which were broadcasted once a week on TV GPB.

The videos aimed to raise students’ civic awareness.“Its exciting to realize that in this critical and challenging situation, which was often compared to an invisible enemy, you were an ordinary soldier. Along with doctors, policemen, guards, soldiers, you were standing as a guard for the protection of your country, where it needs your efforts and contribution.

This increased my motivation.I think civic education is not anymore a subject of “filling the curriculum hours” for teachers, furthermore, civic education has become a subject that has special importance in the formation of young citizens. This is confirmed by a large-scale project such as the inclusion and participation of the subject in the TV school.

USAID civic education program contributed hundreds of schools all over Georgia, supported the professional development of civics teachers and increased civics awareness of the students and school community – said Shorena Tabatadze.