Village Sviri residents over the years are encountering number of problems, such as absence of garbage disposal in the village, damaged water and irrigation system and bad transportation conditions. Civics club students of Sviri Public School decided to advocate community problems and started to identify the challenges that villagers are facing.

List of community problems were sent to the representatives of local government and face to face meetings were arranged. Soon after, civics club received official letter from the Akhaltsikhe municipality stating that municipalitywould start arranging trash cans in the village, will rehabilitate potable water supply system and look for the option to offer best bus transportation services to villagers.

“Due to the proper communication with local decision makers we managed to solve number of community problems. I think we have to continue to advocate for community problems and define ways of collaboration with the local government to solve problems jointly – said Tiko Uchidze, leader of the Civics Club of the Sviri public school.

The initiative was organized in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.