Village Vashlovani public schools students implemented a mini-grant project aimed to raise public awareness about women’s rights, break gender-related stereotypes and to promote womens activism. Within the project, students first observed the community members determine their attitude towards this issue, and later organized contests of essays, drawings, and slogans on the same topic at school.

The project participants met with the Mayor and the Governor of Khulo Municipality, representatives of the gender media centre, human rights experts, representatives of the Public Defenders Office and successful female lawmakers to discuss “a formula for success. Within the project, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the School Disciplinary Committee, Gender Media Centre and Women’s Room on promoting womens civic engagement.

In addition, the students: held an information campaign, prepared thematic leaflets and disseminated them in the community; shot a video – “On the Way to Success” embracing interviews of successful women; cooperated with the local media, which published an article about the project implementation in the local magazine.The information campaign strengthened the self-confidence of women in the community and contributed to raising awareness of their rights. Mini-grant project “Successful Woman in Modern Life,”.

was implemented in the framework of USAID funded “Momavlis Taoba program.