Students of Tbilisi public school №182, sponsored by a mini-grant project, initiated the support of integration of children with special needs of the day center “Mzis Sivtse (Sun Space) into the society. Various activities were organized to support better integration of students and beneficiaries of the day center.

Students arraigned a joint visit to the theater and attended a performance. Than they conducted charity activities: they collected books, school items and toys; students visited their peers at the day center took presents and presented a performance staged by them.

After this the students arranged a meeting with Georgian writer for children Giorgi Chauchidze at the school and invited day center beneficiaries to attend the event. After the listing of the stories read by Mr.

Chauchidze, beneficiaries of the day center tried to paint pictures of the characters of the story. Special training for the parents of the day center beneficiaries on integration issues was held in the framework of the project. At the final event of the project, a presentation of the project activities, an exhibition of the paintings of the day center beneficiaries and sport activities were organized. Besides this, the guests of the final event attended the opening of the room adopted for children with special needs at school. The mini-grant project was supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.