Students of the Gantiadi village public school took care of road safety.The public school of the Gantiadi village in the Tsalka municipality is located near the central road, and students often crossed this road to get from the school to a shop on the other side. There were no zebra crossings nor traffic signs on the road, and the cars moved at high speeds.

Students have survived several traffic accidents lately. Students decided to improve the road safety for the school community and wrote a letter to the local authorities requesting support for painting zebra crossings and installing road signs in front of the school.The Tsalka municipality responded to the students’ request and in November 2019, zebra crossings were painted, and speed bumps and appropriate road signs were installed in front of the school.

As a result ofstudents efforts, the movement of students outside the school has become safer. In addition to these installations, students invited representatives of the Tsalka Driving School and organized trainings for students on road safety issues and following the traffic signs.

The students prepared posters and introduced the rules of safe movement for the students of the elementary school.