Civics club students of Chiatura’s St. Andrew the First-Called Gymnasium conducted an advocacy process for the renovation of the pedestrian bridge leading to the gymnasium and used by community members.

The students organized an information campaign and meeting with the governor of the local municipality to solve the problem. Local municipality authorities reacted to the students’ request and re-sent their letter to the Georgian Railway that is responsible of the renovation of such constructions.

As a result of the students’ initiative and good cooperation with local authorities, one of the important problems of the community has been solved. On October 10, 2016, the renovation works started and according to the renovation implementation plan will last until January 30, 2017.

“The fact that the local administration is paying attention to the students’ initiatives raise students’ motivation to be more involved in the problem solving process for the benefit of the school and the community,” said civics teacher of the gymnasium Tsismari Tepnadze

The initiative was supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.