Ambassador Ian C. Kelly and his wife Francesca Kelly took part in an exhibition and awards ceremony in honor of Women;s History Month, entitled “The Role of Women in the History and Present Life of Georgia.

The event was opened by Marina Ushveridze, Chief of Party of “Momavlis Taoba project. Ten student-created posters featuring famous women, who played significant role in Georgian history, were exhibited at Tbilisi public school №186.

Ms. Kelly made remarks and presented awards to student winners of an essay contest on the themes of Georgian women;s history and women;s participation in the social, economic and political life of Georgia.

Video about the public opinion survey on the topic, prepared by students, was shown at the event. At the end of the event students discussed these themes with Ms. Kelly, Lia Gigauri, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Ana Dolidze, Deputy Minister of Defense of Georgia and Tbilisi Municipality Sakrebulo member Shorena Bukhrashvili. USAID Deputy Mission Director, Thomas R. Morris, PH International Georgia Director Berdia Natsvlishvili, school principals, teachers, students, and NGO representatives took part in the event. The event was organized by USAID funded “Momavlis Taoba project, which implemented by PH International.