On October 10-11, two-day social media training for the civic students of Momavlis Taoba Program;s partner schools was held in Adjara region. Student learned how to create blogs, use YouTube and Facebook for civic participation.

They became familiar with international practices in the use of social media. Social media skills gained at the training will support students to become more engaged citizens, use social media for exchanging information and promoting their civic initiatives among peers and potentia supporters.

The training was attended by ACETT program alumna and successful blogger Lela Sharadze. She shared with MT students her experience in social media.

“Training was great, I loved it! At this training I received a lot of information and gained practical skills. I’d like to create my blog. I hope it will be interesting for the visitors. said Anna Kakhidze, Batumi business school student. The social media training was organized in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International. .