In March 2016, Momavlis Taoba Program announced a social media contest -“Social media for positive changes”. Rusudan Zedginidze, a civics club student of Village Zveli public school was one of the successful participants of the contest.

She prepared a project on protection of the environment and created a Facebook page titled “My Tidy Country Begins with Me”. Later, Rusudan and civics club members discussed the ecological problems of the village with local government.

As a result local government officials provided tree seedlings for greening action. Students organized cleaning and greening actions and mobilized community to take part in the activities through the social media.

Besides, Rusudan and civics club students made and placed banners on promoting clean environment; organized flash mob show in the center of the village; made a presentation about environmental protection and staged mini-performances at the school. Students’ activities were covered by media – Rusudan was invited to Radio “Samkhretis Karibche” to participate in youth program and spoke about the project outcomes. Students also plan to organize information campaigns and various activities to increase public awareness of environmental issues. They also plan to share short videos on Environmental and Nature Protection through social media channels. The initiative was supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.