In the frame of the nationwide competition “Social Media for Positive Changes”, organized as part of the MT program’s social media component, civics club students of Tbilisi public school № 30 decided to translate educational videos into sign language for children wit hearing loss. Students created a Facebook page and YouTube channel for sharing the translated videos.

Number of different blogs was also actively used. Within the initiative – “We Understand Each Other” – 10 videos have been made.

Themes were diverse and included: Convention on the Rights of the Child and Democracy. The videos generated more than 1000 views immediately.

Students are planning to continue creating videos for children with hearing loss and engage them in joint projects. “Sign language learning process is very difficult, it needs hard work and goodwill, but nevertheless, I think this is responsibility of every citizen, because in doing so we help those who have difficulties in integration with others”- said Luka Bakuzanov, civics students of Tbilisi public school № 30. Initiative was supported by the USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.