At the forum, representatives of the local private sector were presented with 17 projects created by students on various social and environmental issues. Students shared their vision with representatives of different businesses in order to find companies interested in similar issues that would want to gei involved in the implementation of their ideas.At the same time, students were offered internship opportunities by companies: Lazika Capital, Gemuan, Star Food, APM Terminals Poti, Bemaison, Georgian Hazelnut Growers Association, Prime Concrete, MBC, Children’s Entertainment Center Big Day and Radio Atinati. In addition, a memorandum of cooperation with Georgian Hazelnut Growers Association was signed at the Forum.The event was opened by Elene Chkheidze, USAID Civic Education Program Private Sector Engagement Epecialist, who explained the importance of connecting schools and businesses. The following representatives of private sector addressed the attendees: Etuna Tsotniashvili, Communication and CSR manager at APM Terminals Poti Khatia Gabunia, Managing Partner at BeemasonEnvironmental Protection officer Tinatin Zhizhiashvili and Senior Human Officer at Prime ConcreteIn additoin, the chairman of the Georgian Hazelnut Growers Association Merab Chitinava talked to the atudents about being an entrepreneur.School-Business Forum is held in the framework of the USAID Civic Education Program implemented by PH International with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The program is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. Program partner in samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region is association Atinati.