Gardabani municipality Teleti public school civics teacher and students decided to renovate sport space at school yard and promote healthy life style among the youth. To promote healthy life style various activities were organized: distribution of information material about healthy life style among the community members, meeting of students with well know sportsman, exhibition of students painting “sport in our life, sport games competition in basketball and Volleyball among teams of Teleti and public school of surrounded villages.

After the renovation sport space at school yard Teleti community members organized port games dedicated to traditional festival of the village, which hold every year. At the and of the project school administration also renewed the sport space inside the school and sport equipment purchased within the mini-grant will be used by students in winter time too.

In the renovation works took part as students as well a community member. This initiative was supported by the mini-grant in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Program, implemented by PH International.