On May 1, 2015 first radio broadcasting was held in Launchkhuti municipality, Khajalia public school (Guria region) initiated by civics students in the framework of mini-grant project of Momavlis Taoba program. First radio talk show was informative, participants talk about the means of the radio unite, frequency and thematic of broadcasting.
Besides, school students and teachers were invited to take active part in the work of radio unite to discuss interesting and important issues for the school and community. In the framework of mini-grant students attended trainings at the office of local newspaper “Lanchkhuti plus and learned how to prepare information for radio broadcasting.
For the selection of interesting thematic for radio talk shows students conducted research among the high school students. Mini-grant project “Open Ear is conducted in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.