Tenth grade students of Surami village public school №2 in Khashuri municipality implemented a class project “Become a Green Citizen. The project aimed to increase public awareness about protection of the environment.

At the presentation of the project students organized a demonstration of the film “Nature is Speaking – Mother Nature”, conducted a discussion and distributed information material. Later the students organized an exhibition of the students; paintings at school – “We are painting the world.

In the framework of the project, students established good cooperation with representatives of Kahashuri Forest Department. After the presentation of the project;s goals they provided pine tree seedlings, which were planted by students around Surami sports and park area.

To protect the environment, students placed green boxes for the collection of scrap paper at school, which will be changed into new books and enrich the school library. “Students; motivation and involvement in class projects is high and the results are great, as when youth pay attention to the protection of the environment and people;s rights and try to solve community problems; they became active citizens, said Dali Brolidze , Principal of Surami school.