School-based civics club students of Imereti region met with Kutaisi Mayor Mr. Shota Murgulia and Chairman of City Council Mr.

Davit Dvali to discuss community problems and explore possible solutions. During the meeting, following problems were identified by civic club members: faded pedestrian crosswalks, damaged asphalt near the schools, damaged books in the library, absence of outdoor sports spaces in some schools and poor lightening systems of stadiums in central neighborhoods of city Kutaisi.

Civic club members introduced an idea of arranging an “Art Square in the city, which could serve as a place where different art events could take place. As a result of the meeting, senior local government officials offered their support to the civic club initiative in arranging a “Art Square in Kutaisi, where students and civic club members could run different programs and events.

In addition, it was agreed that local government in partnership with the civic club members and schools of city Kutaisi will be arranging 3D zebra crosswalks. At the end of the meeting, senior officials of local government thanked civics club students for their active
civic engagement. The meeting was supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.