Pargana Karaeva, 11th-grade student of Baidari village public school initiated an information campaign for the prevention of early marriage in the community.”There were cases of early marriage in my village and I wanted to protest in some way against them. So, I decided to initiate some prevention activities to reduce the number of early marriages in my country.

I think this is a critical problem not only in my country but in the world as well. Some parents marry their girl to a wealthy family boy and think that they are creating a happy future for their child, but this is just vice versa! While working on this problem, I also learned that parents are not aware of the dangers of early marriage.

I would advise my peers to create a happy future for themselves – definitely get an education or a profession, get employment, get stronger and then start a family of their own. Girls’ civic activism is also very important because during the participation in such projects they gain great knowledge and right values.I wish the girls knew their rights! They need to know that there is legislation that protects their rights.

I dream of the real equality of men and women. So, I will definitely continue my activities in the future and I am so glad to be with you! said Pargana Karaeva.