Civics students of Nichbisi public school initiated a mini-grant project –“Clean Village”, aimed at improving ecological situation in the village and increasing public awareness on environment protection issues. At the beginning of the project students organized a meeting, which was attended by representatives of local administration and community members.

Students provided a presentation on ecological situation in the village and initiated a cleaning action to be organized with participation of community members. Students’ initiative was supported by representatives of local authorities.

They provided gloves and plastic bags for the cleaning action. The local authorities also funded arraignment of banners in the village calling people to keep the village clean, added trash cans and improved transportation of the garbage.

In frame of the project, water quality test was also conducted, according to which the quality of water doesn’t meet standards. This results was communicated to the local administration. “I appreciate students’ initiative to improve ecological situation in the village. The slogan of the project was “Nichbisi is My Home”; it means that all of us are responsible to take care of our environment. Funds are already allocated to improve water system and reservoirs in the village and I hope that soon clean potable water will be everywhere in the village” – said Mr. Davit Papiashvili, Majoritarian of the village Nichbisi to the Mtskheta Municipality Council. The mini-grant project was conducted in the framework of USAID-funded “Momavlis Taoba” project, which is implemented by PH International.