Civics students of Gomi public school in Khasuri Municipality established a Media Club at school, equipped with necessary equipment and suitable working environment. This became possible with the support of Momavlis Taoba;s mini-grants program.

During the project implementation students closely cooperated with parents and school graduates to identify the critical problems for their school and community and find the ways for their solution. Students organized roundtable with participation of community members to discuss these problems.

They successfully cooperated with local authorities in a joint cleaning action -Let;s live in a clean and safe environment. Action helped to clean the territory of water reservoirs situated near the local factory.

They also organized charity campaign to support people affected by Tbilisi flood in June. Local administration helped with transportation of collected items. Trainings in photography and small video production were also held for students. Now, members of the Media Club have well-equipped working facilities and trained members. Students plan to continue their work on the problems of their school and community. The initiative was supported by the mini-grant in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, implemented by PH International.