Students, teachers and principals of 11 more schools across Georgia shared with the attendees the initiatives implemented by student self-governments that helped create democratic culture at their schools. The forum was opened by USAID Civic Education Program Chief of Party Marina Ushveridze. In addition, the director of Teachers’ Professional Development Center Berika Shukakidze gave a speech at the event. The first session of the forum – the role of student self-governments in formal education – was facilitated by Simon Janashia, an expert in education who represents the G. Zaldastanishvili American Academy of Tbilisi. The second session – Student Self-governments and School Needs- was facilitated by Levan Ghambashidze, USAID Civic Education Program’s coordinator of the student self-government network and a representative of the G. Zaldastanishvili American Academy of Tbilisi. Over 600 people from all over Georgia attended the event online.