Students from Momavlis Taoba partner schools from Kutaisi visited Tbilisi Public Service Hall, Free University and National Environmental Agency. During their visit to Tbilisi Free University students got information about the history and development of the University, also learned about its programs and scholarship opportunities.

The students had a short tour to University’s museum of natural sciences, on campus library, culinary academy, they also visited the labs of chemistry, physics, biology, engineering and computer sciences. While visiting Tbilisi Public Service Hall, students had an opportunity to learn about service hall’s structur and functions, and learned about its services for citizens.

At the National Environmental Agency (NEA) students learned how short-term and long-term weather forecasts are created. NEA Representatives spoke about everyday work of the agency, including  warnings on hydro-meteorological processes, environmental pollution problems and protection of mineral resources.

”Such visits are always very exciting and interesting for us. People in different organizations or agencies always try to explain us the functions and meaning of their work. This time I am very much impressed by the visit to Tbilisi Free University, the environment and atmosphere that I saw there made me decide to continue my education at Tbilisi Free University“ – said Lika Goderidze, student of Kutaisi public school №38.