Tsikhisdziri public school, in the framework of MT project, received a mini-grant to support ethnic Azeri students’ integration into the society and to help them improve their Georgian language skills. Summer school was arranged at the school, which was led by civics and literature teachers.

Students were divided into two groups, according to their Georgian language levels. Summer school implied various activities, including screening of Georgian films, translation and explanation of unknown words, discussions, reading of books and participation in games, which also helped to improve knowledge of Georgian language.

Those ethic Azeri students who have better commend of Georgian language also participate in the project to help their peers in communication and integration. “From 400 students, 300 Azeri students are studying at our school.

The teaching process is held in Georgian language. Families communicate in Azeri language; because of low level of knowledge of Georgian Language, they watch Azeri and Turkish TVs. All these cause difficulties for students, especially after the summer vacations, when they have no communication with Georgian students. That’s why we decided to arrange a summer school and prepare students for the new academic year.”- said Natia Shibridovi, civics teacher of Tsikhisdziri school. The mini-grant project was conducted in the framework of USAID-funded “Momavlis Taoba” project, which is implemented by PH International.