On November 11-12, 2016, Tbilisi City Hall Municipal Department of Education, Sport and Youth Affairs organized a forum of school clubs. The forum aimed to increase information awareness and active participation in school and social life of the members of school clubs and self-governors.

On November 11, the meeting was attended by the representatives of Tbilisi schools administration, educational resource centers, international and local organizations, who shared with the audience the experience of club work. Ms.

Marina Ushveridze, chief of the party of Momavlis Taoba program, spoke about civics club work and the implementation of MT;s program. On November 12, students of Tbilis Momavlis Taoba program partner schools made presentations of the projects implemented by civics clubs within the program.

Then participants in the forum divided into thematic groups which were facilitated by civics teachers and supported by students from MT partner schools. At the end of the day students made a presentation of the projects elaborated on in the groups. Tbilisi City Hall Municipal Department of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs officials said that they would support projects that were jointly developed by the students at the forum.