On June 23, 2015 school-based civics clubs in Tbilisi participated in the event to present their work that brought the benefit to their schools and communities. Civics clubs displayed the photos and posters, featuring their initiatives for environmental cleaning and greening, advocacy efforts for disadvantaged groups of society and support projects for their peers in need.

At the event, students also displayed Georgian literature that they have bought with funds earned from scrap collection and asked students in Azerbaijan to pass these books to their peers in Saingilo (a place in Azerbaijan where ethnic Georgians live). At the event, MT Chief of Party appreciation certificates to teachers and equipment awards to the best school-based civics clubs.

End of the academic year events were held in June all 11 regions of Georgia. At these events, local Government officials, media professionals, school administration officials and other agencies, supporting civics activities of students, were given an opportunity to hear more about concrete benefits, that these student-initiated projects brought to people.

Events were organized in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.