On November 12, civics club students from the village Keshalo school (Azeri sector school) and village Teleti school (Georgian sector school took part in a final stage of debates held at Marneuli Municipality, titled “Can Media censorship be justified?!”. The debates were preceded by trainings for students on debate techniques and by mini-tournaments among MT program partner schools; teams from Marneuli and Gardabani municipalities.

Officials of the local Government and its youth departments, representatives from NGOs,, students and teachers observed debates. The goal of debate tournament was to develop logical reasoning and critical thinking skills among the young people and support civic engagement of ethnic minorities into the society.

All student participants received certificates and winners received symbolic prizes. The event was covered by local media “Marneuli TV.

Debates were supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.