Peaceful Environment is Our Choice is the civics class project implemented by Kaspi gymnasium civics students. During the project implementation students conducted various activities, in particular they organized marathon of peace where they were able to disseminate flyers and talk with public directly.

Students also organized meetings with prominent citizens of Kaspi to discuss issues of democracy and human rights. For the final event of the project, students prepared presentations about the well-known public figures who contributed to peace building process.

They also made a film presentation and discussion. One of the key activities of the class project was dedicated to the Georgian soldiers, currently participating in the peace mission in Afghanistan.

Students wrote letters for soldiers and approached local government officials to help them in sending the letters. All of the events were attended by representatives of NGOs, local government, community members and family members of the soldiers that are currently involved in peace mission in Afghanistan. The initiative was organized in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.