club students of village Choluri public school of Lentekhi municipality,
launched a promotion campaign to protect historical monuments, situated in the
village and are dated between VI-X centuries. During
the project implementation, students cooperated with school administration,
local authorities and business sector.

In order to increase number of visitors
it was necessary to improve the infrastructure of the roads, leading to the historical
monuments. With financial support of “Avtogza
Lentekhi 99, students arranged information banners and road signs indicating
directions, length of the way and small history about the monument itself.

authorities responded to the students; letter to improve lighting of the
historical monuments and surrounded territories. Students organized cleaning
actions of the territory and then held a workshop -“Historical Monuments of

will be also preparing the video with detailed information about historical
monuments of the village. The video will be disseminated through the social
media to reach those people who wants to visit Svaneti and see old historical
monuments. “From
new academic year we will advocate the process of improving the infrastructure
of the road leading to the monuments and also we want to rehabilitate old
hall-style house and open theethnographic
museum. All this will increase the number of tourists in our community- said
Bakur Mukbaniani, Choluri public school civics club leader student. The initiative
is supported by the mini-grant in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Program,
implemented by PH International.