On July13, a Charity concert was held in Khulo Drama Theater. Concert was initiated by members of Khulo school-based civics club “Evrica and aimed at supporting their schoolmate, who suffered from implications of burn injuries and is in need of further treatment and rehabilitation.

Preparations for the concert took a month. Information about concert was disseminated through the social media.

Students mobilized governmental and non-governmental sector representatives to take part in the charity event. Students visited various organizations, informed people about their charitable purposes and sold tickets for the concert.

Administration of Khulo Drama Theater joined the action and provided organizational support free of charge. The concert involved folk and pop music groups, members of the local Club of Funny and Inventive who presented funny sketches. All participants performed free of charge. The concert raised 984 GEL that was transferred to the special bank account to support the student. “Our civics club conducted various activities, but this charity event was special. We managed to mobilize a lot of people to support our schoolmate and collected money for her treatment- said Salome Bolkvadze, leader of the civics club “Evrica. The charity event was covered by local TV companies “Adjara and “TV25. The charity event was organized in the framework of USAID-funded “Momavlis Taoba project, which is implemented by PH International.