An online conference on COVID-19 with Giorgi Pkhakadze, United Nations Secretary General’s Advisor on Healthcare Issues was initiated by a civics student Ilia Kipshidze. Ilia is a very active student of Kvatsikhe village public school.
He contacted Giorgi Pkhakadze via Facebook and asked him to make a Facebook live on COVID-19 related issues. Ilia said, his goal was to make the public more aware of preventive measures against COVID-19, the treatment practices around the world, possible date of developing the first vaccine, qualified recommendations of the WorldHealth Organization etc.
Instead of planned 40 minutes, the online conference lasted for two hours as there were many questions asked by students, teachers and parents, all of which the speakeranswered to. The online conference was held on theFacebook page – “Civics Media” created by Kvatsikhe village school-based civics club students, within USAID funded Momavlis Taoba project.