On July 2, civics clubs students from Kaspi Gymnasium gathered in Vake Park in Tbilisi to organize fun activities for children, which were affected by Tbilisi flood and now reside in “Levil hotel. “Our school immediately provided assistance to the victims of the flood in Tbilisi.

Now we – participants of the MT summer camp in Bakuriani decided to organize fun activities for the children affected by the flood of June 13 in Tbilisi said Nino Niparishvili, civics teacher of Kaspi Gymnasium. The action was joined by civics students from Tbilisi and Kutaisi schools.

Members of the Kaspi Gymnasium Band played music for children. Students and children played, engaged in fun activities and enjoyed amusements together.

Civics students also prepared presents for them. “It was indeed a great idea for these children said a parent of a child from Tbilisi. The action was organized in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.