On June 11, students of school “Shavnabada organized photo exhibition in Leselidze Park in the framework of MT;s mini grant project “Photo life. The goal of the project was to develop time management, affective communication and team working skills among the students.

After photo club was established at school, students decided to express their vision on civic, engagement, social and ecological problems of the city through the photography. Experienced photographer from Imedi TV conducted master classes for photo club members.

The best photos were presented at the photo exhibition. Authors of the best three photos were awarded with certificates.

“Students used photography to show the problems that they saw; they got interested in photo journalism and will continue the work in this field. They also know how to spend their free time now said Natia Lagvilava, civics teacher of “Shavnabada school. Mini grant project was conducted in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Program, which is implemented by PH International.