School-based civic club students of Osiauri village public school met with American student Georgia McClain. Georgia told the students about her life, including her past experience in high school and current life in college, as well as her experience in GeorgiaStudents spoke enthusiastically about their recent projects and future objectives, about their experience, recounting challenges they have faced in garnering support and reflecting on the impact civic education has had in their lives.

They also discussed their civic involvement through various civics projects. Some of the questions or topics addressed during the meeting included the meaning of being an active citizen, the importance of civic education, and the ability to recognize and solve existing community problems.

Among the projects recently implemented by civics students were – the charity action to support vulnerable elderly people of their community dedicated to Thanksgiving Day and the book wrote and illustrated by students containing students original drawings accompanying information about common problems as well as relevant laws that relate to the problems such as bullying, domestic violence, and early marriage.At the and of the meeting Student thanked the guest for the interesting meeting and made a photo for memory.