On November 2-10, 2019, in Tbilisi and Kutaisi a training course “Teaching Democratic Citizenship was provided to 32 civics teachers of program partners schools from different regions of Georgia. The training was held in the framework of USAID funded “Momavlis Taoba” program and was organized by the Civic Education Teachers’ Forum. Several teachers shared their opinions after the meeting: “These four days were very productive.The training was so interesting, informative and at the same time simple that the time went unnoticed.We have discussed a lot of important issues, and I think there are many new and interesting things that I have learned and can use them in my work – said Zaira Beridze, civics teacher of village Bokhvauri public school in Ozurgeti municipality.”

“This training has enriched me with many innovations. I have seen several methods from another point of view, e.g. the Cornell Method.I gained an in-depth understanding of project-based learning methods. I have also learned some very interesting “energizer activities”.

The trainer’s energy and motivation are contagious, and I will try to bring this positive approach into the classroom -said Mariam Topuria, civics teacher of village Khashmi public school in Sagarejo municipality.