On October 19, 2018 Chibati public school hosted Chargé d’affaires Elizabeth Rood. Visit started with the fall agricultural products exhibition and was followed by students; presentations, facilitated by the inaugural winner of the National Teacher Award of Georgia, civics teacher Lado Apkhazava.
Through USAID-funded mini-grants, Lado’s students, with support from the teacher carried out activities that benefited their school and the local communities. Students have learned that taking effort for the solution of the common problems is important for the development of the democratic society.
Lado Apkhazava is a former beneficiary of USAID-funded civic educationprogram. Participation in the program activities for teachers, such as openlessons, trainings, teachers’ roundtables and professional learning community meetings helped Lado to develop professionally.
After the event at school, Chargé d’affaires Elizabeth Rood visited Lanchkhuti Museum of Russian Occupation, founded civics teacher, Lado Apkhazava together with his students. After the tour of the museum, Chargé d’affaires had an opportunity to interact with students from the schools of Lanchkhuti municipality. USAID-funded civic education programs aim to improve the quality of school-based civic education and promote greater civic engagement of young people.