On July 31, 2016 Batumi Boulevard hosted an expo-sale of handicrafts made by students of Batumi Gymnasium “21st Century” and by the beneficiaries of Batumi Day Center for Disabled Children. The same day the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the above mentioned institutions and the opening of a social enterprise was held.

The social enterprise will continue operation in Batumi Day Center for Disabled Children. The participants and guests of the event had the opportunity to see, buy and take part in the creating process of handmade items.

Within the project “Develop, create and become successful”, students of both institutions had an opportunity to attend trainings and master classes to study how to create handmade items. Parents of the day center for disabled children also attended seminars in small business development.

The exhibition was organized in the framework of the USAID-funded “Momavlis Taoba” program is implemented by PH International. The project “Develop, create and become successful”, initiated by the students of Batumi Gymnasium “21st Century” was funded by the organization “McLain Association for Children” through the special mini-grants competition dedicated for MT partner schools.