Students from the public school in the village of Mikava, cooperated with the Tsalenjikha municipality and thei school administration in order to enrich their school library, set up a civics club room and promote reading among youth. Thi initiative was supported by MT mini-grants program.

Students met with school administration and local Government to get their support for the enrichment of the school library, they organized a charity event “One Book for the School Library; a public reading day at school with the active participation of parents and teachers; survey with their peers “Book or Computer?; and presentation of videos for students on the topic “Why should we read books?. As a result of the students; advocacy, the Tsalenjikha municipality allocated 1,000 GEL to the school library for new books.

The school administration renovated the school library and purchased furniture such as shelves, chairs, and tables, while the mini-grant funds were used to buy office equipment and some books for the school library. Now the students in thr Mikava school have a comfortable space for reading, planning, and conducting civics activities.