On June 9, 2016, Shida Kartli school-based civics clubs in Gori participated in the
end of academic year event to present their civics activities work that brought
benefits to their schools and communities. Civics clubs displayed the photos
and posters, featuring their initiatives for civic participation, advocacy
efforts for disadvantaged groups of society, environmental cleaning and
greening actions, and initiatives to support their peers in need.

End-of the academic year events were also held in Adjara, Guria, Racha, Imereti,
Kakheti, Samegrelo and Mtskheta-Mtianeti regions. The remaining 3 regions will
host events in the near future.

At these events, the MT project awarded teachers and schools with appreciation
certificates and equipment. Local Government officials, media professionals, school administration officials, and other agencies, who supported the civics activities of students, were allowed to hear more about the importance of civic participation and learn about the concrete benefits, that these student-initiated projects brought to schools and communities.

Events are organized in the framework of the USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.