Students of Village Pirveli Maisi public school in Kheda municipality decided to promote healthy life style among the youth. School administration supported the project and allocated 950 lari for the rehabilitation of the sports space.

Sport equipment was purchased by mini-grant funds from MT project. To promote healthy lifestyle among the youth students attended thematic trainings and conducted lessons for younger students of their school, arranged sports competitions and advertised information about events by the use of social and local media.

At the end of the project students helped to organize sports competitions with participation of their peers from Batumi public schools №14 and №18 and village Dologani school. Students also prepared a letter to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Adjara requesting to pay more attention to sports lessons at school.

The sport competition at the school was covered by local TV companies “Adjara TV and TV25. The mini-grant “Sport is our choice was supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.