On May 5-13, 2016 a visit of educators from Georgia took place in the states of Massachusetts and Vermont, USA aiming to share best practices in the field of civic education. Group members met with social sciences faculty members at Harvard and Boston Universities, visited Vermont Agency of Education, different schools and spoke with school administrators, teachers and students.

Participants of the visit included Lia Gigauri, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Marina Ushveridze, Chief of the Party of “Momavlis Taoba” civic education program, Nino Beselia, Chairperson of the Civic Education Teachers’ Forum, Civic Education Consultant at Teachers’ Professional Development Center and Nikoloz Silagadze, Civic Education Expert from the National Curriculum Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. The visit took place in the framework of the “Momavlis Taoba” (Future Generation) civic education program, which is funded the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by PH International.

The program is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.