Students of school “Mzekabani 2007” in Village Terjola decided t promote historical monuments – Machitauri Castle and Alisubani Canyon to increas interest of tourists to the village Alisubani. At first students collected information about historical monuments and organized cleaning of nearby territory of the monuments with the participation of community members and representatives of local administration.

Then they applied to Terjola municipality to place information banners and road signs leading to the historical places. Students also asked to include information about these places in the tourist guides of Terjola Municipality.

Local government supported this initiative and provided funds for preparation and placement of bilingual banners. Besides, they informed appropriate department of themunicipality to add information into Tejola tourist guides.

Students prepared brochures with the detailed information and disseminatred them among the local travel agencies. “Thanks to students’ efforts, bilingual banners were placed at the roads leading to the historical monuments. These will guide interested people in visiting the historical places of our municipality” – said Khatuna Dididze, the civics teacher of  “Mzekabani 2007” school. The initiative was supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, which is implemented by PH International.