On August 12, 2015 the workshop dedicated to International Youth Day was held in Akhaltsikhe. Participants of the workshop were school students from Akhaltsikhe and Aspindza partner schools of USAID funded Momavlis Taoba program.

“We discussed how to apply knowledge gained at civics lessons into practice. At the workshop, we discussed various examples of civic engagement”– said Tamar Chapidze, the facilitator of the workshop.

“Today we learned how to identify problems in the community and how to solve them. We also planned future joint activities” – said Diana Inasaridze, Muskhi public school civics club student.

At the end of the day students decided to organize eco-action in the village of Uraveli. As part of the action, students cleaned the territory across the river. One of the short term goals, which students agreed on is to arrange banners near the river territory, calling the population to keep the environment clean. The workshop was held in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Program, implemented by PH International.