Village Skra public school students are leading the campaign to increase community members’ awareness about family violence. Before the campaign, students conducted a survey and interviewed 100 villagers.

Students were interested to know awareness among villagers about the violence prevention and human rights protection concerning the family violence. Having analyzed the results of the survey, students conducted various activities to increase community members’ knowledge about family violence.

Informational-educational printing materials on violence issues were prepared, printed and disseminated at school and among community members. Students organized a meeting for community members at the school.

They invited a lawyer and psychologist, who talked about the negative impacts of violence to all family members, especially children. Students also staged a performance on family violence at school that was followed by discussions. In order to reflect all the activities of awareness campaign, students prepared a newspaper with photos about the activities of the campaign and its results. The newspaper was disseminated at school and among community members. “All students were actively involved in the project activities.

As a result of students’ efforts, public awareness about family violence was increased in the community. Now they know how to act in such cases, whom to apply and how the law protects them from the violence’ – said Lela Kobakhidze, civics teacher of Skra public school. This nitiative was supported with the mini-grant in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, implemented by PH International.