Civics teacher of the school in Zestaphoni initiated renovation of a civics classroom at school, with support from MT mini-grant project. The initiative was also supported by school administration, private business, parents and community members.

School administration provided the space at school and purchased the needed materials for the renovation of the classroom. Parents of the students and community members volunteered in renovation works.

Representatives of LTD “Gracia presented a laptop to the newly established civics class room. “We needed a well-equipped classroom to conduct informative and interesting civics lessons.

Thanks to the mini-grant project and other supporters we managed to arrange a civics classroom at our school, which is equipped with all necessary equipment – laptop, projector, and screen. Now students have the opportunity to get the needed information and plan civics activities-said Leri Bitsadze, civics teacher of the school “Ornati. The initiative was supported in the framework of the USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, implemented by PH International.