On July 17, online conference for civics students was held at Tbilisi Multimedia Education Center. Mr. David Kakhidze and Mr. Tamaz Kvitia, representatives of Emergency Situations Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia were guest speakers of the conference.

Guests spoke about structure and functions of Emergency Situations Management Agency, explained how agency responds to natural disasters and other emergencies, what preventive measures are taken for the disaster risk reduction and what safety rules should be followed by community to manage different  types of emergencies. Students asked many questions regarding the Rescue Service: how people choose and acquire the profession of a rescuer and how many women work at the Rescue Service in Georgia.

A total of 150 students from different regions of Georgia took part in the online conference. In addition to questions asked by students directly in the studio, students from regions were also very active in communicating their questions via skype. The online conference was organized in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project, implemented by PH International.