On June 21-25, 2015 Bakuriani;s hosted civics summer camp with participation of 80 students and 11 civics teachers from all regions of Georgia. Participation in a camp was a reward for those students, who made efforts to resolve the issues critical for their schools and communities, who led civics projects and participated in initiatives together with their peers and other parties.

Camp helped students to learn more about civic activism, volunteerism and planning and implementing civic initiatives. The trainings, conducted in a camp, helped students to improve their presentation and communication skills, and learn how to advocate for themselves and their communities.

Camp also offered activities for fun and leisure. Participants of the camp had an opportunity to meet with expert guests and ask the question of their interest.

Students met with the representatives of Borjomi Emergency Management Agency to learn about the basic principles of action in emergency situations and participate in simulations. During the second day of the camp, students met with the Director of the Georgian company DIO to learn about the basics of starting and developing a successful business company in Georgia. During the last day of the camp, students had an opportunity to present their performances reflecting the importance of civic education to Executive Director of PH International Ann Martin and MT;s Chief of Party Marina Ushveridze. ‘These 5 days were amazing. These 96 hours spent in Bakuriani were completely astonishing for me. During everyday trainings I learnt how to think, how to plan my day, how to become more active, more sociable… Now I will be able to easily adapt to the new environment and represent myself. New skills will help me to prepare different presentations alone and together with my friends. Meetings with guests were also very interesting. We learnt how to achieve success and reach set goals. Many thanks to the organizers and funders of the camp for these unforgettable days; said Levan Bokuchava, student of Akhuti Temi Public School №1 from Chkhorotsku Municipality. The camp was organized in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Program, which is implemented by PH International.