Students in Village Jgali public school decided to improve sports infrastructure at school. They obtained part of the funding from MT;s mini-grant program.

Football and basketball playgrounds were rehabilitated, equipped and outdoor lighting was improved. Seminars on healthy lifestyle and about the harm of alcohol, smoking and drugs were also held.

Students participated in sports competitions at newly rehabilitated stadiums. The winner teams were awarded with certificates.

Students also managed to establish good cooperation with local administration and private business. Tsalenjikha municipality transferred 1000 GEL to Jgali school for the rehabilitation of sports spaces, 730 GEL was allocated by Tsalengikha municipality;s road department for graveling of the stadium and local businessmen contributed 540 GEL for the equipment. Students plan to organize sport competitions regularly. Minigrant project was carried out in the framework of USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Program, which is implemented by PH International.