School civics clubs students and their teachers mobilized their efforts to help the citizens, affected by the flood in Tbilisi. Students collected clothes and other necessary items and brought them to municipality offices to support those who were left homeless.

Young volunteers helped to sort out donated items and prepare them for transportation to different locations. In local municipality offices in Tbilisi, current students of civics clubs volunteered together with civics club alumni student community.

Young citizens also started to plan different activities for young children from these families. Necessary items were also collected by students and teachers in other regions and transportation to Tbilisi is being organized.

Among others, students in Kachagani public school from Marneuli municipality also collected necessary items in the village to donate to citizens in Tbilisi. School civics clubs are supported by USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba Project in Georgia. The project is implemented by PH International.